Room Conversions / Environmental Controlled Culture Labs
BBPL provides simulated and controlled environment in converted Rooms for carrying Tissue Culture and allied work. Parameters of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Photoperiodic simulation are controlled with State of the Art Microprocessor based controllers for each parameters. Depending on the nature of work, exposure of outside heat emission, light load and human heat load insulation of walls, ceilings and floor are insulated keeping in mind the temperature to be achieved by using specially designed Commercial Air-conditioning units using SST.
Parameters are controlled through BBPL designed Biotech Controllers and Data Acquisition systems. Temperature range 20°C to 28°C ±2°C and Light through PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) Lamps. Tissue Culture Castor Racks are used for better mobility, working space and sensitive experimentation. Tissue Culture Labs / Room conversions can be constructed as per specific user designs and requirements.