Green House
BBPL range of Green Houses provide perfect conditions for plants all through their growth stages providing biotechnological feeds, creating near to natural parameters for healthy growth. BBPL uses latest State of the Art technology for creating ideal conditions of Temperature, Humidity and Light, vital for healthy plant growth. BBPL structural designs are drawn taking into consideration standard wind loads, Dead loads and other loads prevalent in the country and is totally in conformity with the Revised Guidelines issued by DBT.
Using latest technology temperature between 8°C to 40°C, Relative Humidity 30% to 95%, and Photosynthetically Active radiation lights to vary day length manipulation are controlled, monitored, and logged through Online Data Acquisition systems and microprocessor controllers. A similar structure can be created on the Rooftop also.
“BBPL expertise is in building Intelligent Green Houses with monitoring 24 *7. With plug-and-play technology to automate your Hi-tech Green Houses.
Our 24*7 Monitoring System fits your needs. Whole Artificial intelligence data science to optimize and monitor plant growth anywhere, anytime on a real-time basis ”